Competition year : 

Deadline (pre-request) : 
March 10th, 2020 at 08:00 (EST)

Deadline (application) : 
June 30th, 2020 at 08:00 (EST)

Announcement of results : 
November 2020

Amount : 
Maximum of $ 225 000 CAD per Quebec team

Duration : 
3 years

The ERA-NET NEURON network, in which the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQS) is a partner, is launching a joint transnational call for proposals to support research in the field of neuroscience.

The aim of the call is to facilitate multinational, collaborative research projects that will address important questions related to sensory disorders and their impact on the nervous system. They may include, among others, research into all the sensory modalities including the somatosensory system. Research questions addressing synergies across modalities and multisensory dysfunction are also encouraged in the present call.

Proposals should focus on impairment and/or loss of sensory function of neural origin. The proposals may include studies on sensory neurons, including receptor cells, the related neural pathways and connected brain areas. Research on accessory, non-neural parts of sensory organs is not the main focus of the call, and may be included only if they have a significant impact on the nervous system. Research questions may encompass the entire lifespan.

Transnational research proposals must cover at least one of the following areas, which are equal in relevance for this call:

  • Fundamental research addressing the pathogenesis and etiology of sensory disorders. This may include the development of innovative or shared resources and technologies. The relevance of the research to sensory systems disorders must be clearly described. Pre-clinical studies may be included. Any animal or cell models should already be established and validated.
  • Clinical research to develop novel strategies for prevention, diagnosis, patient stratification, therapy and/or rehabilitation for sensory disorders.

The following research areas are excluded from this call:

  • Chronic pain;
  • Impairment of sensations or hallucinations caused by mental disorders and effects of neurological diseases (e.g. stroke);
  • Eye movement disorders due to neurological diseases;
  • Neurodegenerative disorders that are addressed by the EU Joint Programme – Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND).   

The ERA-NET NEURON seeks to strengthen patient engagement in research. Applicants are expected to include patients, where appropriate, in their research process. Meaningful patient engagement can occur at the level of research planning, conducting research or research result dissemination. Patient representatives will participate in the review of selected proposals and provide feedback on patient engagement aspects. All the applications should include a description of expected outcomes with potential relevance for the patients.

Early-Career Scientist (Junior Researcher) – FRQS definition

Early career researchers (Junior 1 and Junior 2) are encouraged to submit an application as a Principal Investigator (the Junior status begins no more than six (6) years after obtaining a Ph.D. and lasts no more than eight (8) years).

Postdoctoral trainees cannot apply to this Competition as Investigators.

NEW : Nationale/Régionale Eligibility
All candidates eligible to receive funding from the FRQS wishing to apply to this program as a Principal Investigator must complete a form in FRQNet via the
electronic portfolio under the available competition section. The deadlines for submitting an application follow those of the European call.

The FRQS is pleased to partner with the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and about 30 other international funding organizations in the framework of the ERA-NET NEURON network on neuroscience.

Researchers based in Quebec are eligible for co-funding from FRQS and CIHR as part of this call for projects.
Please note that in addition to completing an application with the FRQS, you must also complete an application with CIHR to be eligible to receive funding. For more details, please visit the CIHR Funding Opportunity page.

The information provided on the content of the call is indicative and may be subject to changes. Please refer to the official documents of the call on the European website.

For detailed information about this call: ERA-NET NEURON website