Co Director : 
Edward Fon, Nicolas Dupré

Address : 
Montreal Neurological Institute
3801, University St.
Montréal, QC
H3A 2B4

Website :

Research areas : 

Researchers : 

Students and postdoctoral fellows : 

. Mission


The Quebec Parkinson Network’s main mission is to join forces. It is a movement to promote multidisciplinary research on Parkinson’s disease. This gathering covers three essential elements for the conduct of large-scale research projects:

  1. Gathering of Quebec’s researchers and clinicians who work on Parkinson’s disease
  2. Gathering of patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease across the province of Quebec who wish to support and take part in research
  3. Gathering of data allowing the creation of three distinct databases:
    • Patient registry
    • Clinical, neuroimaging, neuropsychological and sleep databases
    • Biobank

*The mission comes from the network’s website.

Research axes

Recherche clinique et interventions thérapeutiques


Sylvain Chouinard,
Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal

Anne-Louise Lafontaine,
Université McGill / Hôpital général de Montréal

Research axes

Symptômes non-moteur


Jean-François Gagnon,
Université du Québec à Montréal / Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal

Research axes

Biologie moléculaire et cellulaire – volet humain


Guy Rouleau,
Université McGill / Institut et Hôpital neurologiques de Montréal

Francesca Cicchetti,
Université Laval / Centre de recherche du CHUQ