August 1st, 2023 – The Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies (FRQNT) and Société et Culture (FRQSC) invite the scientific community to start preparing for the next Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) call for proposals, an international research and innovation programme that addresses key challenges related to urban change and sustainability. This call will officially be launched this September and funding agencies from over 25 countries will participate.
The objective of the DUT call 2023 is to support transnational research and/or innovation projects addressing urban challenges to help cities in their transition towards a more sustainable economy and functioning.
The challenges are grouped into three themes called “Transition Pathways”:
- Positive energy districts
- 15-minute city transition
- Circular urban economies transition
For this call, international research consortia must include at least:
- Three countries financially participating
- Two of these countries must be from the EU member states or eligible EU associated countries.
Researchers interested in participating to the DUT Call 2023 are invited to visit the DUT Matchmaking Platform, and to register for matchmaking events.
General Information:
- Official call launch: September 1, 2023
- Deadline (pre-proposal): November 21, 2023
- Deadline (full proposals): April 30, 2024
- Funding amount for Québec Teams: up to $300 000 CAD (excluding indirect costs of research) per project for a 3-year period
- Announcement of results: September 2024
- Québec teams must include one principal investigator and at least one co-investigator affiliated with a recognized Québec university:
o One researcher must be from a research field covered by the FRQNT.
o One researcher must be from a research field covered by the FRQSC.
For more details, please visit the call webpage on the DUT website.
Laurent Corbeil
Program Officer
Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture
Phone: 514 873-2114, ext. 4290