This research sought to document the characteristics, articulation and scope of the interventions provided by Québec’s community social pediatrics centres (CPSC).

Both qualitative and quantitative results indicate that CPSCs distinguish themselves from other health and social services organizations regarding accessibility to diagnostics and overall health services – including medical, specialized, psycho-social and sometimes legal services – for children from disadvantaged communities.

The study’s findings point to possible avenues for reflection and action.

The centres offer multidisciplinary services that provide an integrated and intensive response to the diverse needs of vulnerable children and contribute to their social and emotional well-being. Despite the many issues and challenges that colour their relationships with other health and social services organizations, CPSCs are linked with many different intervention sectors including education and public and community-based social services. Their strongest ties are to public health and social services organizations.

The study’s findings point to possible avenues for reflection and action, including the importance of developing mechanisms to raise awareness of the mission and approach of all stakeholders involved in providing services for children and families in difficulty; to define the place of CPSCs in the continuum of services in relation to other programs currently in place, such as the SIPPE (Integrated Perinatal and Early Childhood Services) program and child neglect framework programs; and to facilitate collaboration between the different stakeholders. Such an initiative would allow organizations to better plan for future collaboration and foster the alignment of their respective mandates and missions in view of ensuring continuity and complementarity of services to meet the many needs of vulnerable children.

Main researcher

Marie-Ève Clément, Université du Québec en Outaouais


Research report


Call for proposals

Deposit of the research report: December 2014