1st prize: Sonia Lacouture, Université de Montréal
Sonia Lacouture earned a bachelor of science from McGill University. For over 25 years, she has worked as a research professional in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Université de Montréal. She played a key role in training 26 master’s students, 15 PhD students, 11 postdoctoral trainees, 62 undergraduate and graduate students (including 28 international students), 12 visiting researchers and 7 laboratory technicians. She is directly involved in applied (diagnostic technique development) and more basic research and has published 55 articles (many as first author) in international journals with high impact factors.
Many of the techniques she developed (PCR tests, bacterial isolation by immunomagnetic separation, development of monoclonal antibodies) remain international references in infectious bacterial disease diagnosis in swine. Ms. Lacouture also actively participates in international collaborations. She trained visiting researchers and was invited by collaborators in Vietnam and Mexico to support the implementation of the diagnostic techniques she developed.